The haunting history of room 306 dates back to the 1940s when the city’s Red Light District existed just a couple of blocks from the hotel. The legend says that two prostitutes were brought to room 306 and murdered before being thrown off the window to the street below. Today, staffs of the hotel claimed that the two prostitutes never left, and that their spirits continues to haunt room 306 and the hallways on the third floor.
Guest of room 306 have reported a sense of uneasiness, as if someone was watching them from a corner of the room. It is also said that the ghosts are particularly hostile towards male guests. Men who have spent the night at room 306 would find themselves frightened awaken with breathing difficulties as if they were being strangled. Some have also reported scratches on their arms and leg.
History of Hotel Monte Vista
Located just one block north of U.S. Route 66 in Flagstaff, Arizona, Hotel Monte Vista was an exquisite hotel built to serve travelers during the Roaring Twenties. On New Year’s Day 1927, the four-storey hotel opened its doors to accommodate the slew of tourists pouring into the city.

The hotel grew to become a popular accommodation spot among movie stars due to its proximity to the iconic Sedona and Oak Canyon. The canyons were once a hotbed for film makers due to its natural beauty and scenery which made it perfect for Western, cowboy scenes. Sedona Museum estimates that as many as 100 movies were filmed in Sedona during the 1940s and ’50s.
Many famous stars including Bing Crosby, John Wayne, Clark Gable, Bob Hope, and Anthony Hopkins have stayed at Hotel Monte Vista. Other celebrities including Freddie Mercury and Bon Jovi have also once spent their nights at the famous hotel. Today, many of the rooms have signs on the door to inform guests the particular celebrity who have previously stayed in the room. John Wayne for instance, once stayed at room 402 while Freddie Mercury have previously spent a couple of nights at room 403.

The Hotel Monte Vista is currently listed on the U.S. Registrar of Historic Places in recognition of its importance in the town of Flagstaff as well as its contribution to the local film scene.
Robbers at Monte Vista Lounge

In the 1970s, it was reported that three men had robbed a local bank near the hotel, of which one was shot during the escape. Despite the injury, the trio stopped by the popular Monte Vista Lounge for a round of drink to celebrate their successful heist. The wound of the injured robber however, proved to be much more serious than they had expected; he died in the bar before he could even finish his first drink.
Staff of Monte Vista Lounge now claim that the bar is haunted by the injured robber. Barstools and drinks have been seen moving on their own while a eerie, coarse voice saying “Good Morning” can be heard from time to time.
Meat Man at Room 210
The story of Meat Man supposedly happened in the 1980s at room 210. The man, a long-term renter of the room, had a peculiar habit of hanging raw meat he bought from the market onto the chandelier. Most staff however, were accepting of his eccentric behavior so long as it does not affect the hotel’s daily operation. One day, the man died in the room but was only discovered three days later by a chambermaid.
Days after his death, a maintenance worker was sent to work on preparing room 210 for a new tenant. The worker briefly left the room to grab supplies and had turned off the lights and locked the room. After a quick trip to the store, he returned and was shocked by what had happened: the lights and television were turned on while the bed linens had been ripped apart.
Guests of room 210 now report incidents of the television turning on and off by itself, unexplainable coughing sounds, and the touch of a cold hand during nighttime.
Hotel Monte Vista’s Rocking Chair
The most infamous haunted story at Hotel Monte Vista is perhaps the rocking chair at room 305. Records indicate that room 305 was inhibited by an elderly woman who was a long-term renter of the room. It is said that the woman would spend hours on the rocking chair and looking out the windows, waiting for the return of someone.

Guests who have stayed at room 305 reported seeing the rocking chair swaying back and forth as if someone was seated on it. Some have also claimed to have seen the woman’s ghostly figure sitting on the chair. Other paranormal activities experienced guests of room 305 include knocks from within the closet, a ghostly apparition in the mirror, and bedsheets being pulled.
Room 305 has since been dubbed to be the most haunted room in Hotel Monte Vista
The Phantom Bellboy
The famous “Phantom Bellboy” have been seen by countless guests living on different floors including iconic American film actor John Wayne. The bellboy is said to be a young man dressed in a red coat with brass buttons. Guests who have encountered “Phantom Bellboy” claimed to have heard a knock on their doors and a faint voice saying “Room Service!”, only to find nothing but an empty hallway.