Day: September 14, 2021

Ohio State Reformatory night

Hauntings at Ohio State Reformatory

Many tourists have claimed to have heard whispers and experience cold spots when walking along the run-down hallways and visiting the barren cells. Shadowy figures have also been spotted roaming around the basement of the reformatory.

Trans Alleghany Lunatic asylum

Murders at Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

Many murders are said to have occurred within the walls of the asylum. Many however, are poorly documented.

A particular storyrecounted by a housekeeper who had worked the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum—tells a time when a man was brutally murdered by two other patients living on the same floor. The man—who was a mute— struggled but could not get help. After dying from asphyxiation, he was taken down and pierced in the head by the metal leg of the bed.